Helpful information
If you have something you need help with, here are some useful connections to make.
Suicide and self-harm
Confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person through their helpline, HOPELINEUK.
Online wellbeing
Online mental wellbeing community. Free, safe and anonymous support.
Mental health
UK charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.
Children’s charity that protects and supports the UK’s most vulnerable children and young people.
Find out more about Child sexual exploitation (CSE) on the Barnardos website.
Child protection
UK’s leading children’s charity, preventing abuse and helping those affected to recover.
Information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.
Substance misuse
Everything you need to know about drugs, their effects and the law. Talk to Frank for facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol.
The purpose of this website is to provide practical advice, support and resources to protect children from extremism and radicalisation.
Calm is an app for sleep and meditation. It helps you to experience better sleep, lower stress, and less anxiety.
Stop Hate UK
Working to challenge all forms of Hate Crime and discrimination, based on any aspect of an individual’s identity. Independent, confidential and accessible reporting and support for victims, witnesses and third parties..
Gangs, violence and criminal exploitation
Raising awareness of criminal exploitation and what you can do if you think you or someone you know is being exploited.
Financial Hardship
Google ‘local welfare provision’ and the name of your local authority to find help with hardship.
Citizens Advice
Online free advice from Citizens Advice to help you find a way forward, whatever the problem.
Know my Rights
Find out your rights and what to do if you are asked by the police to attend a voluntary interview.